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Claims and Complaints

Complete Assistance for Claims and Complaints: Your Reliable Support at Every Stage


In the event of a claim, we put our experience at the Client's service to protect and assist them in all stages of the management process, from the initial report to the eventual compensation.

Upon receiving the claim and the relevant documents, the claim will be notified to the reference Company, which, after verifying the coverage validity, will proceed with the settlement.

Claims should be sent to or


Any complaints can be sent in writing to the Insurance Company or Broker at Corso di Porta Nuova n. 16 – 2021 Milan (MI) or to the following pec address:

If the policyholder or insured is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint or in case of no response within 45 days from receipt, they can directly contact:

IVASS – Consumer Protection Service Via del Quirinale n. 21 – 00187 Rome – (RM) or fax +39 06 42133206.

The policyholder or insured also has the option to refer the matter to the Judicial Authority, or to alternative dispute resolution systems by consulting a Mediation Body listed by the Ministry of Justice on the website