By clicking 'Accept', you consent to the storage of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.

Cookie Policy

Information on the Use of Cookies and Other Tracking Systems

(Website SRIB EU)

1. Premise

By using the website, the user agrees that SRIB EUROPA, hereinafter referred to as SRIB EU, may set cookies on their profile in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this document and in the privacy policy.

This notice describes the website’s management regarding the use of cookies and other tracking tools, as well as the related processing of users' Personal Data.

Cookie preferences can be changed at any time by selecting the cookie-shaped banner at the bottom left of the screen.

The site's privacy policy can be consulted via a link provided on the website, which details the identity of the data controller, the purposes, methods, and legal basis of the data processing, the categories of personal data involved, any categories of recipients of the personal data, the terms and methods of data retention, as well as users' rights as data subjects and the practical ways to exercise those rights.

2. What Are Cookies and Other Tracking Tools

Cookies are small text strings that can include personal data (e.g., IP address, username, email address) and technical information (e.g., language settings, device type) that the websites visited send to the user's terminal (personal computer or mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone), where they are stored (e.g., within the browser's memory) to be transmitted back to the same sites on the next visit. Cookies are used to perform functions such as computer authentication, session monitoring, and storing information about websites (without the use of cookies, some operations would be very complex or impossible to perform), including identifying preferences based on browsing experience.

While browsing a website, the user may also receive cookies that are managed and sent by different sites or web servers (so-called "third parties"), on which certain elements (such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the website being visited may reside.

Cookies allow the identification of the user's device each time they access the site, ensuring more efficient site functionality, enhancing the browsing and visiting experience, and providing information to the site owners.

SRIB EU uses cookies to make the site easier to use and better tailored to your interests and needs. Cookies can also be used to improve and speed up future access, browsing, and use of the site's services. Additionally, cookies can be used to compile anonymous, aggregated statistics to understand how the site is used by users and to enable us to improve it.

There are also other tracking tools (e.g., so-called “Fingerprinting,” “Pixel Tag,” “Plug-in,” “Web Beacon”) that, although using different technology, allow for similar processing as that carried out through Cookies and achieve the same results. Unlike Cookies, these tools do not store information within the user's device and cannot be directly removed by the user through browser settings. Therefore, it is necessary for the user to revoke authorization for their use through the features provided on the Website by the Controller to review their choices.

They can be disabled in email messages by setting the email program to refuse HTML format messages and/or not download images contained in the messages.

Cookies are used for various purposes, which are detailed further in this notice.

3. Main Cookies Used by SRIB EU, Types, and Control Methods

Currently, SRIB EU does not use any tracking cookies on its website. SRIB EU reserves the right to modify and update the cookies used, which will be mentioned below.